Oasis Fires in Morocco Consume Over 172,000 Palm Trees in 15 Years

The National Agency for the Development of Oasis Zones and Argan Tree (ANDZOA) has revealed alarming figures regarding fires in Moroccan oases. During the period from 2009 to June 2024, Moroccan oases experienced 2,393 fires that led to the destruction of more than 172,000 palm trees across an area estimated at 1,423 hectares.

Studies conducted by the agency, disclosed to SNRTnews, indicate that the oases in the provinces of Tata, Errachidia, and Guelmim are the most affected by this phenomenon, accounting for 82% of the total burned areas in Moroccan oases.

According to the agency’s statistics up to 2024, each fire affects an average area of 0.6 hectares and damages about 72 palm trees. However, there is a positive aspect represented by the palm trees’ ability to recover. The data shows that the recovery rate of burned palm trees reaches about 83%, a unique characteristic of this tree species.

These figures highlight the environmental challenges facing Moroccan oases and emphasize the importance of enhancing fire protection and prevention efforts in these vital areas. They also point to the necessity of developing effective strategies to preserve the palm tree wealth, which is a fundamental pillar in the ecological and economic system of Moroccan oases.

This report underscores the urgent need for comprehensive measures to safeguard these crucial ecosystems, balancing environmental protection with the economic significance of palm cultivation in Morocco’s oasis regions.

About محمد الفاسي