Former Moroccan Minister Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for Embezzlement of Public Funds

The lawyer of former Moroccan minister Mohamed Ziane reported on Saturday that his client has been initially sentenced to five years in prison for “embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds,” while he is currently serving a three-year prison sentence in another case.

Ali Reda Ziane, the defendant’s son and lawyer, explained to Agence France-Presse that his 81-year-old father was prosecuted earlier this year in a case related to public financial support he received during a 2015 election campaign for the Moroccan Liberal Party (PML), which he presided over at the time.

Lawyer Ziane commented on the verdict, saying: “This is a form of life sentence for an 81-year-old man, while nothing has been legally proven.” He added that he intends to appeal the decision issued on Friday night.

In the same case, the Financial Crimes Chamber of the Rabat Court of Appeal also sentenced the party’s treasurer and an administrative employee to five years in prison and two years with one year suspended, respectively, according to the lawyer.

It’s worth noting that Ziane has been detained since November 2022 after being sentenced on appeal to three years in prison. Those proceedings followed a complaint filed by the Ministry of Interior containing eleven charges, including “insulting public officials and the judiciary,” “insulting an organized body,” “defamation,” “adultery,” and “sexual harassment.”

Mohamed Ziane served as Minister of Human Rights between 1995 and 1996. He is the founder of the Moroccan Liberal Party and has become known in recent years for his critical statements against the authorities, particularly the Moroccan intelligence services.

About محمد الفاسي