Higher Technical Diploma Graduates in Tourism Management Protest Their Exclusion from the National Airports Office Competition

In a controversial development, a number of graduates from the preparatory classes for the Higher Technical Diploma in Tourism Management have expressed their strong dissatisfaction with their exclusion from the selection phase of the recruitment competition recently organized by the National Airports Office.

The excluded candidates stated that they meet all the conditions and specifications stipulated in the decree that determines the conditions and procedures for conducting the competition, pointing out that this exclusion comes just days before the competition date.

In an exclusive interview, one of the candidates from the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region expressed her shock when she learned that the diploma she obtained “does not qualify her to get a job in the field.” She also denounced what she described as “exclusion” that she and her colleagues faced by those in charge of the recruitment competitions.

The protesters added that a large number of graduates from private institutes and vocational training institutions in the tourism field were accepted, while they were excluded despite being graduates of government institutes.

This situation has raised questions about the selection criteria followed by the private company entrusted with organizing the competition. The candidates expressed their readiness to re-register and retake the exam, demanding a “transparent opportunity without bias.”

At the conclusion of their protest, the excluded candidates appealed to the newly appointed Director-General of Airports, Adel El Fakir, who was recently appointed by King Mohammed VI, to intervene and find a solution to this problem. They questioned the value of training in an entire field if its graduates are destined for unemployment.

It remains to be seen how the management of the National Airports Office will handle these protests and whether they will reconsider the selection criteria adopted in this competition.

About محمد الفاسي