Ben Dabbab Market Traders Complain of Drug Use Spreading in the Market

Fez – Local sources report that traders in the Ben Dabbab market, also known as “Marché Carrière Hajjaoui,” have expressed strong dissatisfaction regarding the phenomenon of drug use proliferating within the market.

According to messages received by “Fez News” from its readers, traders have observed daily gatherings of large numbers of young people inside the market, where they engage in consuming what is locally known as “hashish” or “majoun.”

The traders expressed concern about the impact of this phenomenon on the market’s reputation and the safety of its patrons, calling on the relevant security authorities to intervene urgently and implement stringent security measures to curb these practices.

The traders also demanded the pursuit and accountability of those selling these narcotic substances to the youth, considering them “dangerous drugs” that threaten the health and safety of the community.

These complaints come as part of local efforts to combat the spread of drugs and protect young people from their dangers. No official comment from security authorities on this issue was available at the time of preparing this report.

About محمد الفاسي