Morocco News Summary for Wednesday, July 17, 2024

• 3-year prison sentence for Moroccan immigrant for false bomb threat on plane:

  • The criminal chamber of the Fès primary court sentenced a Moroccan immigrant from the city of Taza to 3 years in prison.
  • The immigrant caused the disruption of a flight at Fès Saïs airport after making a false bomb threat on the plane he was taking to Belgium, where he resides.
  • The immigrant had missed his flight and was prevented from boarding the plane, so he acted out of revenge.

• Suspect arrested in the murder of his wife and four children in Tetouan:

  • Royal Gendarmerie officers from the Tetouan territorial center arrested a man suspected of killing his wife and four children in Douar Asla.
  • The suspect fled after committing the crime, but was arrested in Sebt Rihane, about 9 kilometers from Ain Lahcen.
  • He is expected to be brought before the investigating judge to face the charges against him.

• Head of budget and procurement division at Fès-Meknès security arrested on corruption charges:

  • The public prosecutor’s office at the Fès crimes court has decided to prosecute the head of the budget and procurement division at the Fès-Meknès security wilaya, and some contractors, in pre-trial detention.
  • The defendants face “serious” charges of financial and administrative corruption and bid-rigging.
  • The regional judicial police service opened a judicial investigation into the case on the instructions of the Prosecutor General.

• Ashura: A blend of religious rituals and popular heritage:

  • Ashura celebrations in Morocco are characterized by a mix of practices and rituals, some inspired by religious culture and others by popular heritage.
  • Bringing joy to children, exchanging visits and fasting are part of Islamic beliefs, while some other rituals date back to Morocco’s ancient history.
  • Sociologists believe that Ashura is an important cultural and social event that embodies the cohesion of society members.

• United Front Against the Creation of the Western High Atlas Natural Park condemns government’s insistence:

  • The United Front Against the Creation of the Western High Atlas Natural Park condemned the government’s insistence on implementing the project.
  • The Front denounced the government’s use of French colonial language in the project’s documents and the exclusion of the will of local residents who reject it.
  • The Front considered this to reflect a colonial mentality in the government’s dealings with the area’s residents.

• Member of Parliament calls for an end to the phenomenon of converting private education services:

  • Lobna Sghirri, a member of the Progress and Socialism Party in the House of Representatives, called on the Minister of National Education to take action to stop the phenomenon of converting private education services.
  • These institutions have recently witnessed a sharp increase in monthly school fees and registration fees.
  • Sghirri called on the Minister to intervene to regulate the work of private education institutions and protect the rights of students and parents.

About محمد الفاسي