The National Union of Workers in Morocco warns of an explosion of the social situation and calls on the Akhannouch government to expand the dialogue

The National Coordination Council of the National Union of Workers in Morocco warned the government of the dangers of an explosion of the social situation as a result of its continued exclusion and imposition of fait accompli, and the adoption of a security and punitive approach in addressing social issues, instead of productive and responsible dialogue.

The Council held its last meeting at the central headquarters in Rabat, using a teleconference platform, where it praised the struggle of the National University of the Health Sector and the struggles of the various unions and sectoral universities in defense of the just and legitimate demands of health workers and medical and pharmaceutical students.

The Council called on the government to show wisdom to find an urgent way to solve the crisis of the boycott of medical and pharmacy students to prevent a white year that would be a precedent in the new millennium.

The council declared its support for the struggles and strikes of engineers, dispatchers, technicians and other administrative categories, in order to establish fair wages and basic regulations, and called on the government to react positively to the various categorical demands and to stop the policy of ignoring them.

The Council renewed its call on the Prime Minister to expand the central social dialogue in the service of the national consensus, in order to serve a just social system, overcome the causes of social tensions, and ensure real social stability based on enabling working people and all citizens to live in dignity and social justice.

Source : Fes News Media

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