College dean’s refusal to honor valedictorian for Palestinian keffiyeh sparks outrage

On Saturday, the Higher School of Technology of Hassan II University witnessed an event that sparked widespread anger among professors and students, during a ceremony honoring outstanding students, according to a statement from the local branch of the Moroccan Syndicate for Higher Education and Research.

According to a statement issued by the office of the local branch of the Moroccan Syndicate for Higher Education and Scientific Research at the school, the dean of the Faculty of Science in Namsic, as a guest of honor, refused to hand over an award to an outstanding student for a strange reason: Wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh.

The office strongly condemned this behavior, expressing its categorical rejection of such practices that suppress freedom of expression in an academic space where respect and tolerance are supposed to prevail.

The office declared its full solidarity with the outstanding student, emphasizing that her carrying the Palestinian keffiyeh is an expression of her noble stance and support for the just Palestinian cause.

The office called on all professors to confront any attempt to tarnish the image of the Moroccan university and its firm stance in support of the Palestinian cause.

The behavior of the dean of the Faculty of Science caused great indignation among all those present, including research professors, staff of the institution, parents and guardians of students and the students themselves.

This event received wide interaction on social media, where many Moroccans expressed their condemnation and indignation towards this disgraceful behavior, considering it an insult to human and moral values.

Source : Fes News Media

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