Democratic Federation of Labor Declares Full Solidarity with Health Sector Activists

The Central Office of the Democratic Federation of Labor issued a statement on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, declaring its full and unconditional solidarity with all activists in the health sector in their heroic struggle.

This statement came in the wake of the unjustified ban on the peaceful national march called for by the National Coordination of the Health Sector, as part of the protest program being waged by health workers in defense of their fair and legitimate demands in the face of government intransigence and denial of its commitments.

The Central Office strongly condemned the violent and unjustified intervention that targeted peaceful protests defending the rights of workers in a vital sector. It also denounced the acts of repression and arrests that health workers were subjected to during the peaceful national stand of the union coordination in the health sector.

In an escalatory move, the Central Office decided to correspond with the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Interior, and the National Council for Human Rights regarding these events, calling for the release of those detained in connection with this regrettable incident.

This statement comes to confirm the ongoing tension between health unions and the government, amid increasing demands to improve working conditions and meet the legitimate demands of workers in the health sector.

The Federation emphasized its support for the health workers’ right to peaceful protest and called for a dialogue to address the sector’s grievances. This development highlights the growing labor unrest in the health sector and the need for urgent attention to the concerns of medical professionals and support staff.

About محمد الفاسي