Benefit : Diarrhea in the summer

This is due to the growth and multiplication of microorganisms such as viruses and microbes, as well as the multiplication of flies and insects.

It is worth noting that summer diarrhea is a major cause of hospitalization for young children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases due to their weak immunity and exposure to its complications, especially dehydration and sepsis.

To define acute diarrhea, it must be noted that it is considered the passage of loose or watery stools three or more times in a 24-hour period due to injury to the mucosal wall of the digestive system with the appearance of streaks of blood and mucus in some cases.

Diarrhea is accompanied by gas, colic, abdominal pain, nausea, urgent need to defecate in most cases, and sometimes we see bloody stools if the diarrhea is caused by an organic infection or a toxic substance.

Watery diarrhea is considered a mild injury and is easy to recover from, while bloody diarrhea causes the body to lose blood and fluids, resulting in dehydration and a decrease in blood electrolytes, leading to weakness, thirst, tachycardia, headache, dizziness, loss of urine production and, in extreme cases, fainting.

One of the main causes of intestinal infections is the contamination of water and food with germs, such as Salmonella, E. coli, amoeba, enterovirus and rotavirus, and thus infection with viruses, bacteria or parasites. In a few cases, diarrhea is caused by the consumption of certain medications.

In the majority of cases, the body recovers on its own and the cause disappears within 24 or 48 hours by replacing the lost fluids with antibiotics in some cases and probiotics, which is a dietary supplement containing live microbes aimed at maintaining and improving the good bacteria.

In case of diarrhea complications, the patient is hospitalized for a thorough clinical examination and immediate tests with intravenous fluids and medication.

To prevent diarrhea, the following tips should be followed:

Pay attention to hygiene and wash your hands thoroughly and frequently.
Make sure food and water are clean before consuming them.
Drink enough water.
Refrigerate foods well.
Respect the hygienic conditions in the offered foodstuffs.
Cook foods thoroughly, especially eggs.
Clean and sterilize water tanks.
Wash knives and cutting boards.
Consume boiled and sterilized milk.
Minimize the intake of spicy food, caffeinated beverages and psychotic foods.
Avoid smoking.
By : Dr. Najat Khalil, gastroenterologist and hepatologist

Source : Fez News Media

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