Crisis of Medical Students Worsens Amid Calls for Dialogue and Warnings of Consequences

In a statement issued on July 3, 2024, the National Coalition of Free Sector Doctors and the Syndical Coordination of General Practitioners in the Private Sector warned of the catastrophic consequences of the ongoing crisis of medical students in Morocco.

The statement highlighted the continued strike by medical students, with a boycott of exams exceeding 95%, amidst the refusal of the concerned ministries to postpone the exams or open a serious dialogue to resolve the crisis. It also criticized the ministries’ policy of “escaping forward,” which is reflected in imposing penalties on student representatives.

The two organizations warned that the continuation of this crisis tarnishes the reputation of medical education in Morocco, noting that the core of the students’ demands revolves around the quality of education. The statement called on the concerned ministries to open dialogue and show flexibility, proposing the involvement of the teaching staff as mediators with the students.

The statement referred to the stance of the professors at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Casablanca, who expressed their rejection of any hasty reform without a strategic vision, asserting that they are the authority on pedagogical matters.

In conclusion, the two organizations expressed their solidarity with the students and their families, hoping for a prompt resolution of this issue.

From the site: Fes News

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