Fez: Detailed Investigation Date Set for “Forest Monster” Accused of Serious Crimes

Judicial sources have reported that the investigating judge at the Court of Appeal in Fez has decided to hold a detailed investigation session with the suspect known as the “Forest Monster” on July 15th. The suspect was recently arrested in a joint operation between the Royal Gendarmerie and the intelligence agency “DGST”.

According to available information, the accused faces serious charges including kidnapping, rape, robbery under threat, and violence using a bladed weapon. This decision was made following a preliminary investigation session held recently.

This step comes as part of the legal procedures followed in investigating serious criminal cases, where the accused will be interrogated in detail about the crimes attributed to him.

It’s worth noting that the case of the “Forest Monster” has sparked great interest in Moroccan public opinion due to the severity of the alleged crimes and the method of the suspect’s arrest. The detailed investigation session is expected to reveal more details about this controversial case.

About محمد الفاسي