The Marrakech Judicial Police Squad, in cooperation with its counterpart in Fez, managed to arrest three people, including a woman and a public servant, based on accurate information from the National Surveillance Directorate, who were arrested on Monday and Tuesday, July 1 and 2, on suspicion of involvement in crimes of fraud and deception.
According to the preliminary data available, the suspects presented themselves as intermediaries to obtain exceptional visas to perform the Hajj. They were identified and arrested thanks to joint investigations between the police in Marrakech and Fez. As part of the operation, a checkbook, copies of identification documents, passports in other names, as well as suspicious amounts of cash and bank receipts were seized.
The suspects were taken into custody for judicial investigation to uncover all the details and backgrounds of the case and identify all the criminal activities involved.
The suspects were subjected to judicial investigation, which is being conducted under the supervision of the competent public prosecution, in order to uncover all the circumstances and backgrounds of this case, as well as identify all the criminal acts attributed to the concerned persons.
Source : Fes News Media