Moroccan parliamentarian questions government over delayed finishes of national register of farmers

In a move that reflects concern for the situation of Moroccan farmers, parliamentary advisor Mustapha Maysouri sent a written question to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forestry, inquiring about the delay in the completion of the National Register of Farmers.

According to the correspondence addressed to the Speaker of the House of Councillors on July 01, 2024, Maysouri referred to the real suffering of a large number of citizens in the Fes Meknes region due to this delay. He explained that this leads to the deprivation of farmers and their families from benefiting from the health coverage of the National Social Security Fund, which has negative effects on the health of this segment of the indigent population.

In his question, the parliamentarian demanded to know the measures taken to address this issue, emphasizing the need to find quick solutions to ensure the rights of farmers to health coverage.

This parliamentary question comes within the framework of the oversight role of the House of Councillors on the work of the government, and in the context of the growing interest in improving the conditions of farmers and guaranteeing their social and health rights.

The topic is expected to spark a discussion on the effectiveness of the national register of farmers and the mechanisms for updating it, as well as ways to speed up administrative procedures related to health coverage for those working in the agricultural sector.

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