Intelligence success leads to the capture of a forest monster in Ain El Chaqif

“Intelligence provides golden information: Gendarmerie arrests the monster of the Ain El Chakf forest in a quality operation”

“Shocking details: How intelligence contributed to the capture of the monster of Ain El Chakf”

“Thanks to accurate intelligence information: Gendarmerie puts an end to the terror of the monster of the Ain El Chakf forest”

“The arrest of the monster of Ain El Chakf: The role of intelligence in ending women’s nightmare”

“A dramatic operation with intelligence coordination: Gendarmerie arrests the monster of the Ain El Chakf forest”

“Intelligence contributes to the capture of the monster of Ain El Chaghouf: Details of the successful operation”

“Gendarmerie arrests the monster of Ain El Chaghf thanks to decisive intelligence”

“Intelligence secrets revealed: how the most dangerous criminal was arrested in Ain El Chagf”

“Gendarmerie takes down the monster of Ain El Chakf: Intelligence was the key”

“A great security success: Intelligence paves the way for the arrest of the monster of the Ain El Chakf forest”

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي