{Blessing my mother and not making me a naughty brute} The Princess Lalla Latifa Mosque: A symbol of loyalty and respect

His Majesty King Mohammed VI has taken a noble initiative to honour the memory of his late mother, Princess Lalla Latifa Amazoun, by building a mosque in her name in the Salé neighbourhood of Salé. This important religious and cultural project was announced in 2018.

The Lalla Latifa Mosque is characterised by its large capacity, which can accommodate more than 1,800 worshippers at a time. Its design combines an authentic Andalusian architectural style with modern touches, making it an architectural masterpiece that combines originality and contemporaneity.

The project was not limited to the construction of a prayer hall, but was equipped with integrated facilities including a Quranic school for teaching and memorising the Holy Quran, additional prayer halls, as well as residences for the imam and muezzin.

This mosque is a qualitative addition to the religious and architectural scene in Salé and represents a gesture of loyalty and honour by His Majesty the King to his mother during her lifetime. This religious edifice is a centre of spiritual and cultural radiation in the region and contributes to the promotion of religious and social values in Moroccan society.

This royal initiative is part of the King’s continuous attention to religious affairs and the development of mosque infrastructure across the Kingdom.

From the website: Fez News

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