Lalla Latifa. The Amazigh mother of His Majesty the King has died after a long career in the service of the country and the royal family

Latifa Amazoun, also known as Princess Lalla Latifa, is a prominent figure in the Kingdom of Morocco, born in 1946. She married His Majesty the late King Hassan II and became the mother of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, and His Royal Highnesses the Princes and Princesses.

Lalla Latifa Amahzoun grew up in an old and respected family and is of Amazigh descent. Her life was characterised by a commitment to traditional values and dedication to her country and her royal family. Princess Lalla Latifa was the embodiment of refinement and good manners, playing an important role in supporting King Hassan II during his difficult reign, especially in the field of family and women.

Throughout her life, Lalla Latifa Amahzoun was keen to preserve the traditions and customs of the Moroccan royal family. She was also a role model for Moroccan women in adhering to national and humanitarian values and the guidelines of the Islamic religion.

With her death on Saturday 29 June 2024, corresponding to 22 Dhul Hijjah 1445 AH, the Kingdom of Morocco lost an important and symbolic figure. As we mourn this great loss, we extend our deepest condolences to His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the honourable royal family, asking God Almighty to have mercy on the deceased, and to grant her family and friends patience and solace.

May God have mercy on the deceased and grant her family patience and solace.

Fes News staff

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