The Regional Directorate of Education in Boulman once again achieves honorable results at the level of baccalaureate results, ranking first regionally

The Regional Directorate of Education in Boulaman achieved outstanding results in the 2024 Baccalaureate exams, ranking first at the regional level. The results were as follows:

Overall pass rate: 77.18%

Female pass rate: 79.89 per cent

Male pass rate: 74.39%

On this occasion, the regional office of the National Union of Education (UMT) in Bolman extended warm congratulations to all the successful male and female candidates, praising the great efforts made by all those involved in the educational process, including the regional directorate, parents’ associations and the educational administration.

The Regional Office also commended the teachers who were the main contributors to these good results through their great sacrifices and the completion of the academic season thanks to their dedication and sincerity.

At the end of the statement, the regional office praised the student Khadija Boukhrais for obtaining the highest average of 18.87 in the directorate, and wished success to all the components of Tichoukout Rehabilitation High School in Boulaman for this outstanding achievement.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي