Tiznit on alert after 18 people were poisoned after eating fast food

In a worrying development in the Moroccan city of Tiznit, the emergency department of Hassan I Hospital received 18 cases of food poisoning on Wednesday evening. The incident occurred as a result of eating fast food from a snack shop in the city’s Machour Square.

According to local sources, the hospital has been on alert since Wednesday evening, initially receiving nine serious cases of food poisoning, before the total number rose to 18 people on Thursday morning, including two women and two children under medical observation.

The number of cases is expected to rise to more than 20, as some of the injured are difficult to reach from neighbouring villages. Medical staff at the hospital continue to provide the necessary care for the injured, and are on alert for any possible deterioration in their health condition.

Authorities have called on citizens to be cautious and avoid eating food from shops that do not adhere to hygiene and food safety standards.

The incident is not the first of its kind, as a mixed committee in Tiznit had previously warned the fast food outlet in question during an inspection in February, after seizing a quantity of meat unfit for consumption.

This incident comes a few weeks after a similar poisoning incident in Marrakech, which resulted in the death of 6 people and the injury of 26 others, raising serious concerns about food safety in restaurants and shops in Morocco.

From the website: Fez News

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