Shamelessly and maliciously Podemos demands EU investigation into the Melilla tragedy and was part of the government coalition at the time

In a controversial move, Spain’s far-left Podemos party has written to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, demanding an independent investigation into the tragic incident at the fence of the Melilla enclave in June 2022, which resulted in the death of 23 migrants.

The initiative from the party, which has recently lost much of its political lustre, came on the second anniversary of the incident. The party’s two new MEPs, Irene Monteiro and Isa Serra, sent a letter to the European Commission on Monday, calling for the Spanish government to be “forced” to investigate what they described as a “massacre”.

Podemos was part of a government coalition with the Spanish Labour Socialist Party (PSOE) when the incident occurred in 2022. However, now, after leaving the government, the party seems to be trying to present itself as a defender of victims’ rights.

In their letter, the two MPs recalled that Spanish prosecutors closed the investigation into the incident in December 2022, as did Moroccan prosecutors. They called for Brussels’ intervention to ensure that crimes are investigated and perpetrators are held accountable, emphasising the need to ensure victims’ access to truth, justice and reparation, and to ensure that such serious incidents are not repeated.

The move comes at a time when Podemos, which became the fourth political force in the coalition with SOMAR, is seeking to regain the political spotlight and reassert its presence on the Spanish political scene.

From the website: Fez News

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