Intensive Preparations in Al Hoceima for King Mohammed VI’s Visit and Possible Throne Speech

In a notable development, the Cherif Al Idrissi Airport in Al Hoceima witnessed the landing of the large royal aircraft on a test flight, following the expansion of the airport’s runway to accommodate larger planes. This event comes amid reports of ongoing high-level preparations to welcome His Majesty King Mohammed VI to the city.

Exclusive sources revealed to Rue20 that there is a strong possibility that the King will celebrate the Throne Day in Al Hoceima, known as the “Pearl of the Mediterranean”. Expectations also point to the likelihood of delivering the Throne speech from this coastal city, which His Majesty frequently visits and where he often spends part of his summer vacation.

In preparation for this potential royal visit, sources indicate that the provincial governor has mobilized all external services to implement a series of reforms and improvements in the city. These works include road repairs, paving, painting building facades, as well as reorganizing the city’s port, which had been suffering from chaos and accumulation of waste.

This intensive activity has raised questions about the role of the municipal council in developing and maintaining the city. Sources pointed to a notable absence of the council’s role in these efforts, with its presence only apparent during election periods.

The extensive preparations include road repairs, paving, painting of building facades, and a reorganization of the city’s port, which had been plagued by disorder and waste accumulation. This flurry of activity has highlighted questions about the role of the city council in urban development and maintenance, with sources noting its apparent absence outside of election periods.

All eyes remain on Al Hoceima, awaiting official confirmation of the royal visit and any significant announcements or decisions that may follow concerning both the region and the kingdom as a whole.

About محمد الفاسي