Fez shakes again: Violent crime in Zouagha district kills one person over LSD

The city of Fez, specifically in the Zouagha district, witnessed a violent crime that led to the death of a person as a result of a bloody assault by beating and wounding.
The reasons for this heinous crime are attributed to the use of hallucinogenic pills, which caused an escalation of tension and aggression between those involved in the incident.

According to local sources, the crime took place in the late night hours earlier this week, when a heated argument broke out between a group of individuals who were under the influence of LSD. The argument quickly escalated into a bloody assault, in which bladed weapons were used, resulting in the victim succumbing to his severe injuries.

Security authorities received a report of the incident, and ambulance and police teams rushed to the scene. The victim was hospitalised in an attempt to save his life, but he succumbed to his serious injuries. The police immediately began investigations and were able to arrest a number of suspects in the incident, who are now being interrogated to find out the details and causes of the violent fight.

This tragic incident reflects the growing issues of drug abuse, especially hallucinogenic pills, and its negative impact on the local community in Fez.
Such violent crimes increase anxiety and fear among residents, and highlight the need to strengthen security and awareness-raising efforts to combat the spread of drugs.

This crime comes at a time when the city of Fez is witnessing a noticeable increase in violent incidents related to drug use in Zouagha district in particular, which calls for concerted efforts between local authorities and civil society to curb this phenomenon and protect youth from the dangers of addiction.

The security authorities are continuing their intensive investigations to find out the circumstances of the offence and bring the perpetrators to justice.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي