Taza is deprived of a municipal swimming pool for the fifth consecutive year / Taza is deprived of a municipal swimming pool for the fifth consecutive year

For the fifth consecutive year, Taza residents are facing a hot summer without a public aquatic recreational outlet, as work on the municipal swimming pool has been stalled for 16 months with no signs of opening this summer.

Tazi families, especially in light of the high temperatures, suffer from the lack of options for water recreation, and are forced to turn to private pools that put a financial burden on their budgets.

The cost of entry to private pools is estimated at between 80 and 100 dirhams per person, while it reaches 250 dirhams for large families.

Many Taza residents expressed their dissatisfaction with the delay in the completion of the municipal swimming pool, calling on the local authorities to expedite its completion so that they can benefit from this basic service, especially in the summer.

Taza is one of the cities that suffer from a lack of recreational facilities in general, making the opening of the municipal swimming pool an urgent necessity to provide a recreational outlet for families and relieve the heat during the summer.

Will the local authorities expedite the construction of the municipal swimming pool to end the suffering of Taza residents?

Source : Fez News Media

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