In a generous humanitarian gesture, a Moroccan convoy named “One Body” has departed from the city of Fez, heading towards the Jabalia Camp in the northern Gaza Strip. This convoy carries significant donations from the Fez-based “Bourqadi” family.
The convoy consists of 10 trucks loaded with potable water, aiming to alleviate the suffering of the camp residents who face a severe shortage of clean drinking water.
Local sources confirmed that this initiative came in response to a humanitarian call, contributing to the support of the Palestinian people under challenging conditions. This move has received widespread praise from various humanitarian and human rights organizations, highlighting the importance of Arab solidarity in such critical times.
This initiative comes at a time when the Gaza region is experiencing worsening humanitarian conditions. The donating family hopes that these efforts will contribute, even modestly, to improving living conditions. They also urge all active entities to continue providing support and assistance to those in need worldwide.