Gabon reaffirms its support for the autonomy initiative and calls for a consensual political solution to the Sahara conflict

Gabon, during its participation in the 24th regular session of the UN Security Council in New York, reiterated its firm support for the autonomy initiative presented by the Kingdom of Morocco as a serious and proposed solution to end the Sahara dispute.

The Gabonese diplomat, Jean-Pierre Hemere Dombinini Ndzinya, stressed that his country supports “the Moroccan autonomy initiative, which has been recognized by the Security Council in its successive resolutions since 2007, describing it as serious and credible.”

This initiative represents “a consensus-based solution to settle this territorial dispute and is in line with the provisions of international law, the UN Charter and the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly,” Ndzinya said.

He drew attention to the growing international support for the initiative, noting that more than 107 countries have expressed their support for it.

He also noted the opening of several consulates general of Arab, African, American and Asian countries and regional organizations in the cities of Laayoune and Dakhla, as evidence of the growing recognition of the promising economic and development opportunities offered by the Moroccan Sahara.

Ndzinia highlighted the participation of the representatives of the Moroccan Sahara, democratically elected in the elections of September 8, 2021, in the work of this ordinary session of the 24th Committee and in various relevant international meetings and events.

He praised the remarkable progress witnessed by the Moroccan Sahara at the social and economic levels, attributing this to the investments and projects carried out within the framework of the new development model adopted in 2015.

In this context, he praised Morocco’s significant achievements in the field of human rights, which have been recognized by the Security Council, noting the strengthening of the role of the two regional commissions of the National Human Rights Council in Laayoune and Dakhla, and the fruitful cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, treaty bodies and special procedures of the Human Rights Council.

He also welcomed Morocco’s “full respect” for the ceasefire in the Moroccan Sahara and called on the Polisario to abide by this ceasefire, and to lift restrictions on MINURSO’s freedom of movement and ability to supply its team sites in the east of the defense system in the Moroccan Sahara.

He emphasized the need to resume the round tables, with the participation of the four concerned parties (Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and Polisario), in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2703.

He urged all parties to engage constructively in the political process, with the aim of reaching a realistic and sustainable political solution to the dispute over the Moroccan Sahara that meets the aspirations of all parties.

At the end of his intervention, the Gabonese diplomat expressed his country’s “deep concern” about the suffering of the residents of the Tindouf camps, denouncing the violations of their fundamental rights and calling for their registration and census in accordance with international humanitarian law.

He also denounced the misappropriation by the “Polisario” of humanitarian aid destined for these camps, calling for its direct delivery to the beneficiaries.


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