Lawyers and Doctors Implicated in Fake Accident Ring!

Informed sources have revealed the involvement of lawyers and doctors in Jdid in a criminal network specializing in staging fake car accidents to defraud insurance companies.

The identities of these individuals were identified through official reports and preliminary investigation files that unraveled the threads of this network by elements of the Regional Judicial Police Brigade in Jdid.

Summoning the Accused for Investigation:

Upon instructions from the Attorney General of the Appeal Court of Jdid, the suspected lawyers and doctors were summoned for interrogation regarding the charges attributed to them related to their involvement in these crimes.

Among the accused is a lawyer who is alleged to have forged monthly salary certificates for some of the detainees in the case, while another doctor from Jdid was also summoned for having previously been involved in issuing a fake medical certificate.

Investigation Progress:

Elements of the Regional Judicial Police Brigade in Jdid previously referred eight suspects in this criminal network to the attention of the Public Prosecutor at the city’s Court of First Instance.

The Judicial Police, under the supervision of its Chief, Brigadier General Mustafa Remhan, is continuing its investigations and inquiries to arrest the remaining members of this network and their partners, in accordance with the instructions of the competent public prosecutor’s office.

Serious Implications:

This scandal exposes a dangerous breach in two important sectors, namely medicine and law, and shows the extent to which some people are willing to exploit their professions for personal gain.

The concerned authorities are calling for stricter controls on practices within these sectors and for the necessary measures to be taken to ensure that such shameful practices are not repeated.

About محمد الفاسي