Fes-Meknes Regional Football League Schedules Women’s Tournament in Unsuitable Field!

Fes, Morocco – The Fes-Meknes Regional Football League has sparked widespread outrage among women’s football players and fans after scheduling a women’s tournament for the under-15 and 17 age groups in a field that is unfit for football and should be closed immediately to avoid any injuries that could be sustained by players and threaten their footballing future.

Social media users have circulated photos of the field showing its deplorable condition, with potholes, cracks, and weeds posing a significant risk to the safety of the players. The field’s surface is also uneven and prone to collapse at any moment.

Many have questioned the league’s decision to choose this field for the tournament, especially since there are other more suitable fields in the city of Fes, such as the Stade des Saadiens or the 18 Mai Stadium.

Some have expressed their fear that the league’s choice of this field may be deliberate, either due to a lack of concern for the fields or due to personal interests of a league member in hosting the tournament in this field.

Many sports activists and women’s club officials have called for the tournament to be postponed until the field is repaired or another suitable field is chosen, to ensure the safety and well-being of the players and their footballing future.

They have also demanded that the 18 Mai Stadium be closed permanently due to its deplorable condition and unsuitability for any sports activity.

This incident is another example of the poor state of sports infrastructure in Morocco, especially when it comes to women’s football fields.

Until the Fes-Meknes Regional Football League offers radical solutions to this problem, the safety and footballing future of the players remain at risk.

About محمد الفاسي