The inclusion of a question on “consensual relationships” in the baccalaureate exams sparks controversy + (photo)

The inclusion of a question on “consensual relationships” in the Islamic education exam for first-year baccalaureate students in Morocco has sparked a wave of controversy on social media.

According to preliminary data, the question included a discussion of one person’s call to go beyond the concept of marriage as a traditional contract and replace it with “consensual relationships” between the sexes.

Opinions about this question were divided between those who considered it a reflection of the growing number of voices calling for changing the law criminalizing sexual relations outside marriage, and those who saw it as an important controversial topic that contributes to the development of students’ analytical and discussion skills.

This controversy comes in light of the efforts of human rights activists in Morocco to amend Article 490 of the Criminal Code, which criminalizes sexual relations outside marriage, considering that this contradicts the Kingdom’s international human rights obligations, while conservative voices in the country oppose this amendment.

Source : Fes News Media

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