More than 80,000 candidates sit for baccalaureate exams in Fes Meknes

The number of official candidates for the baccalaureate exam for the 2023/2024 academic year reached 64,299, of whom 33,253 (51.72%) were female.

The candidates were distributed among the scientific, technical and vocational tracks with 50,554 candidates, while the number of candidates for the arts and authentic education tracks amounted to 13,745 candidates.

The Fez Regional Directorate topped the list with 21,189 candidates, followed by the Meknes Regional Directorate with 14,323 candidates.

The number of candidates with disabilities who received adaptations in taking the exams amounted to 59 candidates.

There were 16,995 free candidates, of whom 7,552 (44.43%) were female. They were distributed across 20 divisions and 66 test centers, including 173 prisoners.

To ensure the smooth running of the baccalaureate exams, the Regional Academy provided human, material and logistical resources and took a range of measures, including ensuring the availability of exam centers with the required specifications and the readiness of exam halls.

Regional and regional committees and monitors were assigned to monitor the progress of the exams in 249 centers in the region, with the aim of combating the phenomenon of cheating and ensuring equal opportunities.

Source: Fes News Media

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