Highlights from Moroccan Newspapers: Moroccan Drug Smuggler Killed, Forgery and Drug Trafficking Cases

In a review of the major stories covered by some Moroccan private newspapers, we start with Al Akhbar Al Maghribia, which reported the killing of a Moroccan drug smuggler in an incident involving his boat during a chase by a Spanish customs patrol off the coast of Cadiz.

The newspaper stated that the Moroccan smuggler was accompanied by a Spanish accomplice, and they were smuggling drugs on board a speedboat when they were surprised by Civil Guard and customs forces, leading to the Moroccan’s death from a heart attack while being transferred to the port.

In another context, Al Akhbar Al Maghribia mentioned that the public prosecutor at the Fez Court of First Instance decided to prosecute two individuals on charges of causing the fire at the Fez Tannery, which resulted in the loss of lives.

Meanwhile, the Al Massae newspaper covered the referral of three individuals to the judiciary in Settat on suspicion of forging medical certificates to obtain and sell prohibited drugs.

The same newspaper also discussed the controversy over naming one of Fez’s streets after the father of the president of the Al Mariniyeen district, as well as the absence of the traditional livestock market in Meknes this year.

For its part, Bayane Al Youm newspaper pointed to the significant increase in the prices of Eid sacrificial animals in Casablanca due to the greed of some, despite the government’s assurances of abundant supply.

At the end of the highlights, Al Alam newspaper reported that the Algerian President dismissed the ambassador to Cairo less than two weeks after he assumed his duties, a decision that has sparked controversy and speculation.

About محمد الفاسي