Man Arrested for Manufacturing and Trafficking Illegal Alcoholic Beverage in Fez

As part of the ongoing security campaign to combat crime in all its forms, the Gang Fighting Brigade in the Fez security district was able to arrest a 25-year-old man on Sunday, suspected of being involved in a case related to setting up a facility for the manufacturing and trafficking of the illegal alcoholic beverage known as “Eau de vie” (Water of life).

Security sources stated that the suspect was arrested in the Hassani Ben Dbab neighborhood, following a successful raid on his den used for selling and distilling the illegal alcoholic beverage. The search operation resulted in the seizure of 350 liters of “Eau de vie,” in addition to 20 liters bottled in plastic containers ready for sale.

Barrels containing the mixture used in the preparation of this alcoholic beverage were also seized, along with materials and equipment used in its production.

The necessary legal measures have been taken against the suspect, who has been placed under custody at the disposal of the investigation supervised by the competent Public Prosecutor’s Office, in order to uncover all the circumstances and details of this case, as well as to determine the extent of his involvement in similar cases.

This successful operation comes within the framework of the continuous security efforts made by the various field security units under the Fez security district, in order to combat various criminal phenomena, particularly the trafficking of alcoholic beverages and psychotropic substances, and to ensure the safety and security of citizens.

About محمد الفاسي