Man Arrested with 48kg of Cannabis Resin in Fez

As part of the intensive security campaign launched by the national security services to combat drug trafficking, elements of the Gang Fighting Brigade in the Fez security district were able to arrest a 56-year-old man on Sunday, suspected of being involved in a case related to the possession and trafficking of drugs.

Security sources stated that the suspect was arrested on board a utility vehicle coming from the city of Taunate, where the search operation resulted in the seizure of 48 kilograms of cannabis resin, carefully hidden inside the front seats of the vehicle, along with mobile phones and a sum of money suspected to be proceeds from this criminal activity.

The necessary legal measures have been taken against the suspect, who has been placed under custody at the disposal of the judicial investigation conducted by the Provincial Judicial Police Service under the supervision of the competent Public Prosecutor’s Office, in order to identify any potential extensions of this criminal activity and uncover all criminal acts attributed to the person concerned.

This successful operation comes within the framework of the continuous efforts made by the various field security units and teams under the Fez security district, to combat the phenomenon of possession and trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances, and to ensure the safety and security of citizens.

About محمد الفاسي