2024 European election results reveal an interesting lineup for the European Parliament

A New European Parliament for Five Years (2024 – 2029)

The groups of the European People’s Party (right-wing), Socialists and Democrats (S&D), and Renew Europe (centrists and liberals) have collectively maintained a majority in the European Parliament, despite a surge from far-right forces, according to projections published by the institution this Sunday.

Estimates indicate that these three groups will hold 424 out of the 705 seats in the new Parliament, which is set to begin its term in July.

However, the elections also saw gains for far-right and populist nationalist parties, which are expected to form the fourth largest bloc in the new European Parliament.

This parliamentary makeup will face significant challenges over the next five years, including dealing with issues such as immigration, economic crises, and digital and environmental transitions.

Observers anticipate complex negotiations to form new alliances and coalitions within the Parliament, as the majority will need to cooperate with other groups to ensure the passage of major legislation and policies.

About محمد الفاسي