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Excitement and panic in Fez as wild boar roam between homes

Fez: Residents of Moulay Rachid Street, Safro Road, Fez, experienced a state of excitement mixed with some fear on Sunday evening after a number of wild boar animals were seen wandering between houses in search of food.

The appearance of these wild animals caused concern among residents, especially since they are known for their aggressive nature and their ability to cause harm to humans, especially children.

After receiving reports from residents, local authorities and security personnel rushed to the scene, securing the perimeter and protecting residents from any potential damage.

Although there were no injuries among the residents, the incident has raised their concerns and they fear that it could happen again.

Residents of the area have called on the competent authorities to take the necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such incidents, especially as they pose a great risk to the safety of citizens.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي