فضيحة نصب تهز الساحة السياسية : توقيف مسؤولة في حزب سياسي بفاس بشبهة النصب المتعلق بالضرائب
فضيحة نصب تهز الساحة السياسية : توقيف مسؤولة في حزب سياسي بفاس بشبهة النصب المتعلق بالضرائب

Macron Gambles on Early Legislative Elections Amid Far-Right Surge Fears

Paris – In a high-stakes move, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of parliament and called for early legislative elections on June 30, giving the French people a chance to determine their political future, as he said.

This bold step comes amid growing concerns over a potential far-right landslide in the elections, following the strong performance of far-right parties in the recent European Parliament elections, as opposed to a humiliating defeat for Macron’s ruling party.

Analysts believe that the results of the early legislative elections could lead to a dramatic political shift in France, as many voters who supported the far-right view Macron’s policies as the cause of their deteriorating social conditions. They see these parties as a potential alternative to his government, which failed to protect them from the cost-of-living crisis that has shattered their purchasing power.

These early legislative elections hold both hopes and risks and could mark a turning point in the course of French and perhaps even European politics if the far-right were to win a majority in parliament, potentially making France the first country to have an extremist government in its modern history.

For his part, Macron hopes that these elections will give him a new parliamentary majority to implement his reform agenda, after losing his majority in the current parliament. However, the battle appears fierce with the far-right, which is enjoying increasing support from voters.

About محمد الفاسي