Fes residents hold their weekly vigil to denounce the crimes of the Israeli occupation in Gaza

Fez – In a new manifestation of Morocco’s permanent solidarity with the just Palestinian cause, on Sunday evening, 9 June, many residents of the city of Fez took part in a protest at Florence Square in the city centre, called by the Moroccan Coalition for Palestine Support, to denounce the heinous crimes committed by the Israeli occupation army against unarmed civilians in the occupied Gaza Strip.
The protesters chanted angry slogans, denouncing the occupation forces’ brutal targeting of Palestinian civilians without distinguishing between children, women and men, and even targeting ambulance crews, journalists and members of international relief organisations working in the Gaza Strip.

The vigil witnessed the presence of a Palestinian citizen who happened to be passing by Florence Square, who joined the protesters and took the floor, expressing his thanks to Morocco for the unconditional material and moral support it provides to the just Palestinian cause.

The Palestinian citizen emphasised that Palestine is Arab and will remain Arab, and that God’s victory is near, praising Morocco’s firm stance towards the Palestinian cause and its continuous support for the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle to liberate themselves from the clutches of the Israeli occupation.

This vigil comes in the context of ongoing Moroccan popular movements to denounce Israeli practices and its flagrant violations of human rights, and to demand the lifting of the unjust siege on the Gaza Strip and an end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories.

From the website: Fez News

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