Morocco Regulates Electric Scooters: New Safety and Traffic Rules

Rabat, June 9, 2024: The Moroccan government has begun regulating the use of electric scooters by amending and supplementing the implementing decree of Law No. 52.05 on the Road Code concerning vehicles. This step comes as part of the government’s keenness to strengthen road safety and ensure that users of different means of transport respect traffic rules.

New Definitions:

The draft decree provides new definitions for the terms “powered personal mobility vehicle” and “electric pedal-assisted bicycle”.

  • Powered personal mobility vehicle: is any motorized bicycle without a seat, designed and manufactured to carry only one person without equipment for carrying goods. These vehicles are characterized by the presence of a steering device (such as a handlebar) and operate with a non-thermal engine or non-thermal assistance, with a maximum design speed of not more than 6 kilometers per hour and not less than 25 kilometers per hour.
  • Electric pedal-assisted bicycle: is any bicycle with two or more wheels equipped with an electric auxiliary motor with a power not exceeding 250 watts. This motor stops working when the cyclist stops pedaling or gradually slows down until it comes to a complete stop before the vehicle’s speed reaches 25 kilometers per hour.

New Controls:

The draft decree assigns the responsibility of determining the maximum dimensions of powered personal mobility vehicles to the government authority responsible for transport. It also prohibits these vehicles, as well as two, three and four-wheeled motorcycles, from towing trailers or pushing or pulling any load or vehicle.

Safety Requirements:

The draft decree requires electric scooters and all motorcycles, regardless of the number of wheels, to be equipped with the following:

  • A position light that emits light at night or when visibility is reduced during the day.
  • A white front light that does not dazzle other drivers.
  • A rear position light.
  • One or more rear reflectors.
  • Orange side reflectors.
  • A white front reflector.

Additional Requirements:

The draft decree emphasizes the need for electric scooters and all motorcycles, regardless of the number of wheels, to be equipped with the following:

  • An audible alarm audible at a distance of at least 50 meters.
  • A device for recording the distance traveled cumulatively.
  • An anti-theft device.
  • Two counting devices.

Special Provisions for Bicycles:

Article 57 of the draft decree states that the pedals of each bicycle or electric pedal-assisted bicycle or tricycle or quadricycle or motorcycle or light quadricycle with a motor must be equipped with reflectors, unless these vehicles are equipped with retractable pedals.


Through these new provisions, the Moroccan government aims to ensure the safe use of electric scooters and to promote respect for traffic rules by their users, with the aim of protecting lives and property on the roads.

About محمد الفاسي