A community leader and four engineers accused of receiving monthly bribes from a cleaning company in the Fes Meknes region

A new scandal has erupted in the Fes Meknes region, where the head of a commune and four engineers are accused of receiving monthly bribes from a major cleaning company. According to informed sources, these bribes aim to cover up the reports of violations recorded against the company.

The engineers in question are reportedly receiving regular payments to ensure that no legal action is taken against the company, which is increasingly being criticised for its adherence to hygiene and safety standards. The situation is causing great concern among citizens who are expressing their dissatisfaction with the deteriorating quality of services provided by the company.

For their part, the competent authorities confirmed that they are in the process of opening a thorough investigation into these allegations, and that they will take all necessary legal measures to hold accountable anyone proven to be involved in this scandal. The authorities emphasise that the fight against corruption and bribery in all sectors remains a top priority to ensure transparency and integrity in the management of public affairs.

FasNews will continue to follow this file and provide its readers with all new developments.

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