From the heart of the disaster in Fez. Fire at the Royal Army Road intersection burns five parked cars

The Atlas neighbourhood of Fez witnessed a horrific incident on Monday night, when a fire broke out in a group of cars parked at the intersection of Royal Army Street near the Bourgeois café, causing five cars to catch fire.

Upon learning of the incident, local and security authorities, along with civil protection personnel, attended the scene and were able to control the fire before it spread to neighbouring areas, and no human casualties were reported, according to preliminary data.

Following the incident, the competent public prosecution launched an in-depth investigation to uncover the causes and circumstances of the fire, pending the determination of whether it was deliberate or caused by a technical malfunction or accidental.

This fire comes after another similar fire broke out on Monday at the Oued Zahoun cathedral in Fes, where the fire destroyed areas of trees and dry grasses in the area.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي