Eid al-adha sheep behind the massacre in Al-Houz, but the husband and his in-laws were at odds with each other

The arrest of the killer of his three family members revealed the motives that preceded the massacre, as investigations showed that the family was living in constant tension due to disputes with the wife and mother-in-law.

Al-Sabah newspaper reported the details of the incident, noting that the accused was arrested in an area adjacent to a valley near a forest at the entrance to Tahnout, where he fled to after killing his wife, mother-in-law and son, in an attempt to flee to southern Morocco to escape justice.

The Regional Commander of the Royal Gendarmerie of Al Houz supervised the progress of the investigations in coordination with members of the Judicial Centre of Al Houz and the Gendarmerie of Tahnout, until the suspect was located and arrested, where a white weapon was found in his possession.

The suspect was taken to the judicial centre and taken into custody on the instructions of the Crown Prosecutor at the Marrakech Court, where he was subjected to interrogations that continued on Wednesday morning about his motives for committing the crime that claimed the lives of his wife, his mother-in-law and his eight-month-old infant son, in addition to trying to kill his sister-in-law, who was injured.

According to identical sources, the accused, who hails from Youssoufia and lives with his in-laws in Bouamer neighbourhood, Aghouatim community, Tahnout, was constantly at odds with his wife and her mother due to his constant suspicions about his wife’s behaviour, his intermittent work conditions and his inability to provide for the needs of the household. The tensions increased after he revealed his intention not to buy an Eid sacrifice or settle for a grandfather, which angered his wife and mother-in-law and increased the intensity of the conflict and insults.

The dispute between the accused and his wife escalated on the night of the crime, and he decided to end his suffering after his nerves became frayed. After not sleeping that night, he waited until everyone was asleep, and then began to carry out his plan in the early hours of dawn, stabbing his wife fatally, then moving on to his mother-in-law and killing her in the same way, and finally stabbing the baby. Only the wife’s sister-in-law survived the massacre, who woke up to screams and tried to find out what was going on, so he surprised her with a knife and injured her, but she managed to escape from the crime scene, while the accused fled the roundabout under the cover of darkness.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي