Protest at Florence Square in Fez against the deteriorating social conditions and the high price of “bouta”

The regional office of the National Union of Labour in Morocco in Fez announces that it will organize a protest on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at 6 pm at Florence Square, to express its rejection of the worsening social conditions in the country and the rise in the price of butane gas.

This protest comes under the slogan “Rights are taken, not given” to emphasize the union’s firm position in defending the rights of workers and citizens, and its demand to improve the purchasing power and reduce the suffering of the poor classes.

In its statement, the union registers its strong condemnation of the recent increase in butane gas prices, which constitutes an additional burden on citizens, especially in light of the difficult economic conditions the country is going through.

The union calls on the Moroccan government to take urgent steps to address the social and economic crises, put an end to price hikes, and provide a decent living for citizens.

The union calls on all trade union and civil society actors to actively participate in this vigil to express their rejection of injustice and marginalization, and to demand an improvement in their living conditions.

fes : fes news media

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