A statement of fact regarding the video of running and hanging for allegedly intercepting pedestrians

Asfi, Morocco: The Regional Security of Safi reacted quickly and seriously to a video posted on social media this morning, Wednesday 29 May, showing three people running along a main road in the city, with a caption claiming that they were intercepting cars for the purpose of robbery.

Clarifications from the regional security:

After reviewing the available data, the National Security Services in the city of Safi confirmed that this case dates back to late Tuesday 28 May, when the duty station received a report of an obstruction on the main road at the entrance to the city.

Identification of the individuals:

The results of the initial search at the scene showed that two brothers were trying to control their third brother, who was in a state of anaesthesia and strong impulse, to prevent him from harming himself or endangering the safety of road users.

The three were subsequently identified, arrested and subjected to judicial investigation under the supervision of the competent public prosecution.

No attacks on persons or property:

The National Security Services confirmed that no attacks on persons or property were recorded during this incident, contrary to what was reported in comments circulating on social media.

A call to verify information before publishing it:

The National Security Services calls on all citizens to verify information before posting it on social media, and to avoid spreading rumours that may cause confusion and insecurity.

Emphasising security’s commitment to its responsibilities:

The National Security Services affirms its full commitment to protect the security and safety of citizens and their property, stressing that it will take all necessary legal measures against anyone who disrupts public order or threatens the security of citizens.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي