A tragedy in Tetouan province: Mother ends her life by hanging herself after the death of her three children

Tetouan, Morocco: A tragic tragedy occurred today, Wednesday 29 May 2024, in the Halhala roundabout of Beni Hassan district, Tetouan region, where a mother is suspected of ending her life by hanging herself after the death of her three children due to a gas leak inside the house.

Details of the incident:

According to press sources, the mother found her three sons dead inside the house due to a gas leak, which prompted her to commit suicide by hanging.

Intervention of the authorities:

Upon learning of the tragic incident, the local authorities, accompanied by the Royal Gendarmerie, travelled to the scene to investigate the circumstances of the tragedy.

Possible psychological background:

It is likely that the mother was suffering from a psychological condition that led her to commit this tragic act, especially after losing her three sons in a tragic accident.

A call for psychological support:

This tragic incident raises questions about the importance of providing psychological support to people in crisis, especially in the aftermath of a tragic loss of a loved one.

From the website: Fez News

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