The parliamentary elections to be held in the Republic of South Africa on May 29, 2024 Putting the ruling African National Congress party to the test

Most polls indicate that the ANC will lose its majority in the parliamentary dome after the splits that the party has witnessed, as well as some scandals that have damaged its credibility.

As part of its monitoring of these parliamentary elections and the role of the Moroccan community residing in South Africa, the CCDM hosts Abdessalam Habiballah, president of the Moroccan Association in South Africa and coordinator of the CCDM in South Africa, accompanied by human rights activist and journalist Bashir Himri from Denmark, on the expectations and implications of these elections and their effects on Moroccan-South African relations.

What are the chances of the African Congress Party (ACP)? The reasons for the decline in its popular balance? The nature of competing parties and their relations with neighboring countries after the failure of the ACP to establish friendship and cooperation with many African countries.

Questions and issues that we pose to our guest from South Africa, Mr. Abdulsalam Habibullah.

For Council Member Aziz Sart – ProCycle

Source : Fes News Media

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