Younes Skouri : “We had almost 30 meetings with the unions on the strike law, and we still haven’t agreed on a deep agreement” + (video)

Younes Skouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion and Minister of Labor and Small Business, announced on Monday that 30 meetings have been held with unions to discuss the strike law, noting that it is difficult to reach an agreement due to stumbling blocks in the discussions.

In a public session of oral questions in the House of Representatives, Skouri explained that there are legitimate union demands that seek to preserve the right to strike without restriction, noting that the government is aware of the importance of protecting workers’ rights and practicing safe and regular work.

Al-Sakkouri emphasized that the consensus on the strike law aims to set an example at the international level, noting the importance of the space for dialogue and debate in parliament on legal projects.

The minister stressed the need to exercise the right to strike by taking into account the controls that protect rights and duties, expressing his desire to make the strike available to everyone in accordance with the constitution.

El Sakkoury emphasized the importance of enabling workers to express their demands in cases of danger to their safety, announcing the continuation of consultations with ministerial sectors and the judiciary to find solutions to this issue.

He emphasized the need to impose penalties on employers who violate workers’ rights, stressing the importance of consensus between the government and unions to ensure the protection of these rights.

Source : Fes News Media

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