The Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development breaks its silence on the “intimate kiss” photo purportedly of Minister Benali +(Document)

Ms. Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development in the Moroccan government, has categorically denied any connection to an offensive photo that was recently circulated on a webpage.

In a press statement, Ms. Benali stressed that as a responsible minister in the government of the Kingdom of Morocco, she defends the higher interests of the country, and as a Moroccan woman and mother, she affirms her full commitment to morality and good behavior.

She explained that the circulated photo shows a man and a woman, and includes a false comment that it is about her and an Australian businessman.

Ms. Benali stressed that this attempt is not the first of its kind, as she has been subjected to similar defamation campaigns against the backdrop of some parties not achieving their own interests.

She stressed that public procurements and requests for proposals in the field of energy investments supervised by public institutions and establishments under the Ministry’s jurisdiction are subject to good governance rules and regulations within the framework of the independence of the decisions of the institutions and public establishments concerned.

Source : Fes News Media

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