Minister Leila Benali denies the authenticity of the “intimate kiss” photo with an Australian businessman and accuses some parties of targeting her +(Photos)

Morocco’s Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leila Benali, expressed her dismay over a controversial photo published by an Australian newspaper, which allegedly depicts an intimate kiss between her and Australian businessman Andrew Forrest, director of the Fortescue Group. In her response to the allegations, Benali noted that she has been subjected to a campaign of targeting for some time, without providing additional details.

The photo sparked controversy over its authenticity, as it did not clearly show the minister, prompting some sources close to her to question its authenticity, noting that the physical structure in the photo does not match that of Minister Benali.

The same sources confirmed that the working visit of the Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development to Paris is subject to a strict protocol, which includes coordination with diplomatic services to appoint a driver to accompany the minister during her professional activities, in addition to the preparation of reports by the economic vigilance services on any participation or economic or financial event involving Moroccan officials abroad.

As for the minister’s reaction, she categorically denied the authenticity of the photo in front of her colleagues in the Authenticity and Modernity Party, thus confirming that the allegations made by the Australian newspaper are false.

It is worth mentioning that a partnership agreement was signed between Fortescue Group and MCPF to develop the renewable energy industry in Morocco, highlighting the importance of economic relations between the two countries and joint efforts in the field of environmental preservation and sustainable development.

Source : Fez News media

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