Israeli shelling kills dozens in Rafah IDP camp + (videos)

About 35 Palestinians were killed and dozens were injured in an Israeli shelling on a displaced persons camp northwest of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Civil Defense in the Gaza Strip described the attack as a horrific massacre, as it led to severe amputations and burns, and the victims were women and children.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that Israeli forces committed the massacre in a supposedly safe camp housing tens of thousands of displaced people. The targeted camp is located in the Tal al-Sultan area west of Rafah, and many tents were destroyed and burned.

Eyewitnesses reported that the shelling resulted in widespread destruction and fire in the tents, a camp for the displaced that was not among the areas that the Israeli army called for evacuation, and ambulance crews were unable to reach to recover the charred bodies as a result of the shelling, while the wounded and deceased were transferred to hospitals and clinics in the area.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that 190 people were killed and injured in the Israeli bombing of shelters in the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, and the attack sparked global condemnation, with calls to prosecute the perpetrators of war crimes.

These attacks come in the context of escalating tensions in the region, as Israel continues its raids on Rafah, despite warnings from the International Court of Justice to stop the attacks and keep the Rafah crossing open for the entry of humanitarian aid.

It is worth noting that the war on Gaza since May 6 has left more than 116,000 Palestinians dead or wounded, most of them children and women, and about 10,000 missing, in light of massive destruction and famine threatening the lives of thousands.

Source: Fes News Media

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