Cabinet approves new senior appointments

Yesterday, Thursday, May 23, 2024, the Council of Government, chaired by Aziz Akhannouch, held its regular weekly meeting.

The Council devoted its work to deliberating on a number of draft legal texts, reviewing an international agreement, as well as deliberating on proposals for appointments to senior positions in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

At the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the following appointments were made

Mr. Mohamed Lamine Sgrochni, Director of Control, Audit and Inspection at the Kingdom’s General Treasury.
At the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation:

Mr. Hassan Rakik, Director of the Higher School of Technology in Kenitra.
At the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Department of Customs and Indirect Taxes, the appointment of:

Mr. Hassan Helou, Director of Studies and International Cooperation.
Mr. Chafik El Sallouh, Director of Prevention and Disputes.
At the level of the High Commission for Planning, the appointment of

Mr. Ayache Khallaf, Secretary General.

Source : Fes News Media

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