Princess Lalla Hasnaa calls for a rapid upgrade of Fez’s aesthetic and environmental landscape to meet the aspirations of residents and visitors

Fez – As part of her field visit to the medina of Fez, the Kingdom’s scientific capital, on Wednesday 22 May 2024, Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, called on local officials to upgrade the city’s aesthetic and environmental landscape in line with the aspirations of residents and visitors.

During the visit, Princess Lalla Hasnaa inspected several historical monuments and important archaeological sites, and was briefed on the ongoing restoration and rehabilitation projects. She also praised the efforts made to improve the cleanliness and aesthetics of the city’s various neighbourhoods.

All authorities mobilised their efforts to decorate the entrances and most important streets of Fez, which contributed to enhancing the sense of security and order.
The provinces of Agdal, Fes Medina and El Mouchawar witnessed emergency meetings to accompany the visit of the venerable princess, and to ensure that the cleanliness, maintenance and lighting sector is strengthened throughout the territory of these territorial communities.

Princess Lalla Hasnaa called on officials to exert more efforts to improve the city’s aesthetic and environmental scene, stressing that improving the level of services and public facilities will contribute to enhancing Fez’s status as a leading tourist destination and meet the aspirations of its residents and visitors.

Princess Lalla Hasnaa’s visit was well-received by the people of Fez, who expressed their appreciation for the efforts made to improve the aesthetics and cleanliness of the city. They praised the Princess’s ongoing initiatives to promote environmental awareness and preserve cultural heritage, which contributes to raising the quality of life in the city and fostering a sense of pride and belonging among residents.

This visit is part of the initiatives led by Princess Lalla Hasnaa to promote environmental awareness and preserve cultural heritage in different regions of the Kingdom, which aims to achieve a balance between development and the protection of natural and cultural resources.
Source: Fez News

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