Civil protection finds body of guard victim of under-construction building collapse in Tangier

Tangier, 22 May 2024: A building under construction collapsed on Tuesday in the Rahrah area of Tangier city, local media sources reported.

The body of the guard of the collapsed building in Tangier was found on Wednesday evening. The civil protection services had made great efforts to rescue the guard under the rubble following the sudden collapse of the foundations of a residential building belonging to a well-known real estate group in Tangier.

On Tuesday night, the Civil Protection elements used various techniques and a sniffer dog, but they were unable to detect any sign of the presence of the person under the rubble, prompting them to use a special ‘robot’ that is expected to arrive at the scene to help search for the missing person.

The reasons for the collapse of the building have not yet been revealed, while the authorities announced the opening of an investigation under the supervision of the competent public prosecution to determine the exact circumstances of the incident.

This tragic incident is the latest in a series of building collapses in Morocco, which raises questions about safety standards in construction and the role of the responsible authorities in monitoring projects under construction.

From the website: Fez News

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